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Brenda's Communication Corner
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4 Cartesian Questions Actually Proven To Make Better Decisions
Instead of a pros/cons list, try these four cartesian questions for better decision making.

Hold Your Tongue and Listen
How many times have you found yourself tuning out, daydreaming or answering before truly listening? Active listening may be a lost art.

Making a Complete Request
Throughout our lives, we are constantly making requests and asking for favors. We ask a significant other for assistance. We ask a child...

Having Safe and Productive Meetings
Have you ever been in a meeting where you offer an idea and someone else responds with a comment like, "No, that's wrong." or "I would...

Making an Authentic Apology
We are all human, right? So let's face it, we all make mistakes. Most times we are so embarrassed we want to sweep them under the carpet...

"Can you.." versus "Will you..."
"Can you..." and "Will you..." are the same, aren't they? Not really. "Can" is associated with capability, while "will" is associated...

Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron
We hear it all the time, "I have some constructive criticism for you." But how can "constructive criticism" be helpful? If you look up...
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